While many states are still struggling to enact comprehensive cyber/privacy laws and the federal government still lacks a uniform framework, Illinois data collectors have been working under the most advanced privacy statutes and common law in the United States. Specifically,… Continue Reading →
A recent lawsuit filed by Tesla, Inc. provides a reminder of the potential threat caused by employees and other insiders to data collectors’ security. While there is a balance between proper security and creating a pleasant work environment for employees,… Continue Reading →
Unfortunately, the law governing cyber security and privacy issues has not kept pace with the technology giving rise to these issues. However, a recent decision applying existing law to Bitcoin and other virtual currencies provides insight on how we may… Continue Reading →
The best strategy for data collectors to prepare a breach response plan may be to look at what others did right and wrong in response to a cyber incident. After reviewing a number of responses to large-scale data breaches, it… Continue Reading →
High profile data breaches are inevitably followed by a flurry of lawsuits, including derivative lawsuits filed by those companies’ shareholders. However, derivative suits have not found success and are frequently dismissed at the early stages of the lawsuit. Earlier this… Continue Reading →
On September 15, 2015, Bitpay, Inc. filed a lawsuit against its insurer, Massachusetts Bay Insurance Company, related to a hack at the company that resulted in an unauthorized transfer of bitcoin valued at more than $1.8 million. In its Complaint… Continue Reading →
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